📅︎ 17.04.2024 ✏︎ by Evy ⏱︎ 14 min ±10% Machine Code is Typed Wait, what…? Sometimes, when discussions about type system designs arise, someone makes a slight remark that machine code, aka. that binary programming language your CPU speaks, is an example of an »untyped« language. I heard that claim again recently, listening to a podcast, and so i felt inspired to write about why i disagree with that claim.
📅︎ 25.02.2024 ✏︎ by Evy ⏱︎ 12 min ±10% C#’s two NULLs In my work time i do a lot of C#. Inevitably i also run into a lot of nullable data. This is a short story of how i tried to make dealing with nullable data cleaner, coming from languages with monadic Option types. Did it go well? No.
📅︎ 26.06.2023 ✏︎ by Evy ⏱︎ 52 min ±10% Designing a Virtual CPU ISA I found myself talking a few times about an old project of mine over at the good ol’ RPLCS. Today i finally thought: Why not blog about it? Introducing: Finvil, a virtual CPU ISA, meant to be embedded into applications as a bytecode interpreter for scripting. Fasten your seat belts, for we are gonna talk about different approaches and considerations in ISA and bytecode design.